We offer advice and practical help for people with dementia and their families.

Most people who realise they may need help with a family member’s dementia don’t know where to look, let alone what to look for. “Where do I start” and “what do I need?” are the hardest questions to answer.

Dementia comes in many forms and all are equally unique.  It is human nature to want the best for any loved one and alarming when you don’t know what that might be.  Peoples' needs change, and some families only require some time talking through everything and making sense of it all, while others wish for more regular contact and practical help.

In most circumstances I find families are looking for someone to spend quality time fitting in with what their loved one chooses to do.

Everybody is an individual and their levels of care and needs will differ.  Having dementia does not mean a person loses their identity, but it is harder to help them maintain it. At Contented Mind we pay particular attention to each person in their own right.  We enhance their overall well-being by:

  • Helping you understand dementia

  • Giving you an idea of what to expect

  • Developing totally individual care packages based on need and circumstance

  • Managing care services for you

  • Liaising with other healthcare professionals

The idea behind this is to enhance the lives of those with dementia and ease the burden on the family.

If you are worried about someone who you think may have dementia, or simply need advice, please feel free to call Rebecca or email.